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01 - Introduction
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02 - Creating a Project
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03 - Stakeholders
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04 - Requirements
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How do I make Gmail my default email client for sending reports?In Google Chrome, click the More button (three dots) near the top right corner of the browser, then click Settings. On the left, click Privacy and security, then click Site Settings. Click Additional permissions. Click Protocol Handlers, and make sure Sites can ask to become default handlers for protocols is toggled on. Open Gmail in Chrome. In the address bar, click the double-diamond Service Handler icon. When prompted to Allow to open all email links?, select Allow, then click Done. In Windows, select Start and type Default apps. Select Default apps from the suggestions. Under Email, if Chrome is not listed, select the app that is listed to be presented with a list of email apps installed on your computer, then select Chrome. In Project EMC2, click the Send button on the Report Preview page. Chrome will start Gmail with a pre-populated subject, recipients, and further instructions in the body. Follow the instructions to complete and send the report.
How can I change the format of calendars and dates in Project EMC2?These can be changed in the Windows Settings application. For Windows 10: Click the Start button and type "Settings." Choose the Settings app from the Start menu. Click "Region." Choose your Regional Format. Click the "Change data formats" link. Select the "First day of the week," "Short date," and "Long date" formats. Close the Settings app. Restart Project EMC2. For Windows 11: Click the Start button and type "Settings." Choose the Settings app from the Start menu. Click "Time and Language." Click "Language and Region." Click "Regional Format." Click the "Change Formats." Select the "First day of the week," "Short date," and "Long date" formats. Close the Settings app. Restart Project EMC2.
When I paste report content into the Outlook desktop application, it loses formatting.If your pasted report loses color and text formatting when using the "New Outlook" email application, follow these steps: On the Preview and Send page, click Send. Outlook should open a new email with the recipients, subject line, and body pre-populated with instructions. Select the text in the body and click the Paste button in the email toolbar. Click the "Paste anyway" button (DO NOT use CTRL+V).
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